17 February 2007

so sorry... please forgive...

I just realized what is the source of my "unfunness" phase I'm going through. Yes, the answer is very simple: POLITICS!!!

Ever since I began psychology, I suddenly have gotten interested into what is going on in our government. I came to the conclusion, that it's best to know when to flee. Or take action, or whatever. For the past few years, the political scene in Poland has been some kind of a poor-class comedy, cabaret, or... something... Since October 2005, I don't recall it ever being calm, in fact our new government seems to be concentrating only on the past issues and on getting rid of others they believe to be evil. Yes, you got it: not bad, not harmful: evil. E-V-I-L. I believe that sometime about two weeks ago, I seriously started to consider my emigrant future. The thing is: there is a difference between fun and grotesque... and grotesque is where our Polish politics are now at. Scary...

No wonder my inspiration has been lost... No wonder it ran away. Also, I went to my travel agency two days ago, to get an early reservation for a flight to the US by the end of June. Last year I went there in the mid-April and found something cheap. This year, in the mid-February... nada. I was expected to pay big... and fast. Usually, I like to call a search party around town. In this case, it wouldn't even be unrealistically optimistic to suddenly find 1000$... that would be pure insane... and stupid :).

Great... now I can't even run away for vacation... :D

So this was my self-analysis. One more sip of coffee and away we go!

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Don't tell me I didn't save your day!!!
... and as the great and mighty Holly once said:
Appreciate what you've got, because basically: I'm fantastic!