29 January 2007


it came, it's gone... will it ever come back?

My best memories are from my early childhood. Seems that life back then was all about having fun. I remember always having crazy ideas, and nowadays my mom loves to tell me stories about my wild activities and heart-attack-giving games I made up. Whatever happened to those days when spending time with the parents and the siblings was enough to make it a fabulous day? I guess it all has to end sometime... I can only dream about being as cheerful and optimistic as back in those days. Now when I come to think of it... I wish I could interview myself and ask for play suggestions. I wonder if I could be inspiration to my own self. Now I see myself as a mischief little girl (smaller than everyone else at least by a head) running this way and back, climbing trees and playing in a small room with Barbie dolls. Or with my younger brother with his Power Ranger toys. But I know that we both played pretend a lot... Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to play that one again... only adult version. Mind you, "adult version" does not include sexual activity! I wish it wouldn't be so necessary to write that... Adults are complicated, sheesh...

Yesterday I had the great pleasure to meet this special three-year-old boy. He was unlucky: when he was 10 months old, he hit his head by a table and lost hearing, and in consequence, speech ability. After half a year he could hear again, but his language productivity to this day is extremely poor. And guess what? He was a fantastic, cheerful child with a lot to say. Playing pretend with him was not at all hard, all you had to do is be silly. Today people tell me I'm immature. Because 20-year-olds are not supposed to sing and dance on the streets, or talk to animals as if they had magic powers. You know what? I've heard more and more people are suffering from depression. Well, no wonder if having a good time the way it makes you feel good is "inappropriate".

Hey, did I ever say I cared what others think of me? Exactly!

1 comment:

sena said...

I love your blog
ps pperhaps we might go fr coffee or someting one day....and of course have fun and interact with real people


Don't tell me I didn't save your day!!!
... and as the great and mighty Holly once said:
Appreciate what you've got, because basically: I'm fantastic!