24 January 2007

white fluff...


...maybe this has little to do with funhaving, but I think worth a thought :)

My good friend just called me... told me that an hour earlier or so his second nephew was born. Kinda nice. Especially since... all day all you see here in Warsaw is snow. :)

I think I might be the only one happy about this... The very same friend said he didn't buy any winter shoes, and now he's concerned about slipping and breaking his bones... My younger brother got mad, because he just cut his hair. Actually, had it all shaved off. And the buses are coming late... People are late for work...

For the past few months, everyone was upset about the lost winter. Everybody was looking for a spec of snow. Finally, it came last night. The city services was unprepared for this (again). People all around are saying it's too cold (again). Others are saying: Snow? So what! It'll melt and there will be a big mess when it does. (Again).

So, generally... I live in a very optimistic society...

And of course... so far no one agreed to go out and make a snowman. :) Sure, there isn't enough snow to make a big Frosty. How about small snowmen? Like, simple decorative 1-foot-tall ones? Nope... everyone's too busy worrying about the winter-that-spoiled-it-all.

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Don't tell me I didn't save your day!!!
... and as the great and mighty Holly once said:
Appreciate what you've got, because basically: I'm fantastic!