23 January 2007


I've just checked the weather... apparently there will be some strange sort of rain soon. I've heard it's fluffy and very cold, and it melts in your hands. I believe it's called snow...?

Could this be possible? Real snow?

Well... it better be coming! The last time I made a snowman was... I don't even recall... when I was 13 or so? 7 unlucky, snowman-less winters! Enough!

...perhaps someone out there knows how to snowdance? I'm committed to learn! Anyone? Think of all the places that could be saved! Poland, Russia, and Kilimandżaro!

1 comment:

DAWN Literary Magazine said...

I can't believe you've had no snow. The winds are coming from your general direction at the moment and it's freezing! No snow here as yet (Wales) but it won't be long I think.

BTW Your blog looks good, well done.


Don't tell me I didn't save your day!!!
... and as the great and mighty Holly once said:
Appreciate what you've got, because basically: I'm fantastic!