31 January 2007


That's one thing that really isn't fun!

Ice? Fun? C'mon! It's hard, it's slippery, it's cold AND it can trick you by looking like it won't break. Pure evil! Sure, some things about ice are pretty neat, like ice-skating, ice-sculptures, icicles, etc. However - mind you - it's dangerous stuff! You can slip, be all bruised up at the least, fall into the river/pond/water-thingy, freeze, get a cold, get sick, hurt yourself (especially if when doing sculptures you don't know how to handle a chainsaw...), or have it hurt you (especially if you decide to have a look at the pretty icicles from right below them). But what's worst of all: people love to use it against you. I clearly remember being a teenager having a snowball fight. I was running like hell from those who invented dumping their snowballs into water. One of my friends was hit on the head and fell unconscious for a few minutes... evil!

The only ice I feel comfortable with is the kind that makes fabulous patterns on the windows when it's really cold, like minus 20. Sure, I feel for those that drive and have to scrape the car windows every morning.

One thing you should not play with: it's ice. Evil. Remember. Evil!!!

Also, if you lick it... you're a goner!


Anonymous said...

HEY! And what about ice-cream????

all about... ...koodies??? said...

I knew someone would ask that, and I have to answer:

Yes, indeed, a fine argument, however, might I add:

1) if you eat too much ice-cream you get really sick

2) manners tell you not to play with your food ;) and I am against the idea of food fight. Too much cleaning up...


Don't tell me I didn't save your day!!!
... and as the great and mighty Holly once said:
Appreciate what you've got, because basically: I'm fantastic!